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Get the right quotes faster

Get the right quotes for your parts faster, compare easily, and track effectively

RFQ creation and management

Instantly create RFQ packages using drag & drop interface to send engineering specifications for quoting in a few clicks

A purple screen with a number of stars on it.
A screen showing the price of a product.

Tiered quote comparison

Compare lead times and prices side-by-side from qualified partners to get the best quotes

Customizable supplier filtering

Filter suppliers by capabilities, locations, certifications, and more

A purple screen with a number of buttons on it.
jiga check icon

Built for complex manufacturing

Specifically built for high-mix, low-volume manufacturing and engineering

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Supports engineering files

Automatically extract relevant data from engineering PDF drawings, CAD, and BOMs

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Communicate directly without middlemen

Communicate with Jiga suppliers and build relationships directly (we don’t hide them from you!)

Jiga is free to use instantly. Pay only for parts you source.